God we all know how this one feels, what is this fear?? It is like it will take you over and slap you to the ground, if we let it. And much of the time we do. Which means we stay in the box life has given us, stay limited and play small. We try to somehow make ourselves happy in that box. It feels constraining, not enough and sometimes just damn stressful and sad, but we stay in it anyway.

Why? Fear? AKA as LIES! Fears are the lies we tell ourselves and others have told us throughout our lives and they have become our brains blueprint, its wiring… so much so that many of us just stay where we are, limit ourselves and our lives. The truth of fear is that you are moving towards something GOOD, something amazing. When you look at what I offer in the Creating a life you love from the inside out coaching programmes, it may seem ‘To be good to be true’ or you may feel a FEAR thinking, ‘Will this really work’? If you are compelled towards something, it is not usually happening by accident – it is calling you forward for a reason! If you did not feel the fear or resistance then it’s not something for you. But if you do, I can guarantee you there is something here for you . I know this because I’ve been on this journey myself and much of the time we never get the life we love as we stay in that box and in the fear.

What if we just blew the box up and allowed ourselves to access our TRUTH?  Starting to know why we are here and what would make us feel alive and good everyday. Yes I said everyday. We seem to obsessed with the notion of ‘hard work’ and that if we work hard we can afford to take that extra holiday or enjoy that night out. But what if we didn’t live a life where we needed to have a Friday night blow out or a holiday from. For me, being a corporate slave for 18 years, I never thought this was possibe. Sorry, no offense to corporates, I love them, but for me it felt like I being a slave. It was hard work, I was trying to be what others needed me to be, not real, not authentic – just a puppet. It also lacked connection, meaning and purpose for me. But then I thought, what do I expect from life? It can’t be good all time and not everything can be meaningful. I am lucky to have this job and you have to suck things up and wait for the good things, good days and good times to come. Essentially living for those things we look forward to or some future event that will make us happy and not enjoying everyday.  Had I known what I know now, after facing these fears and going on a self-discovery journey that unleashed all of me and created a life for me where I faced the fears and danced with them to create a life I love, I would have stepped forward sooner. It has taken me to being a coach and serving women wholly. Becoming fully authentic in me has been a true gift. I feel lighter, free, real and happy in so many ways. I’m glad I faced my fears as it has given me the gift to share this with so many other women and watching them create lives they love by discovering their truth and the relationship with their true selves. It has also allowed me to find my validation from within, set boundaries gracefully, be unapologetically real and authentic, and live my life by design using powerful intention setting processes to bring forward all I have.

Now I did not do any of this alone and it is not over, I am constantly evolving and investing in coaches and mentors for myself to keep bringing more transformation forward for me to be more of who I was brought here to be and offer this to my clients. We are not meant to do things alone. This is another  lie we tell ourselves as women. We seem to think we will get some sort of prize for sucking everything up, coping and taking on everything without asking for any help. You probably know as well as me, we don’t get any prizes for doing this and often we get the opposite with people taking you for granted, feeling worn out, neglected, exhausted and taken advantage of.  I have to say this feeling came back for me last week, yes even as a coach the FEAR still gets me.  I just started to feel overwhelmed as I took the step to move further into my journey as a coach full time and move in with my boyfriend. Having such amazing things happen overwhelmed me, as I told myself this is what happens to other people not me – I suffer! We have gotten so use to life being hard and suffering and we cling onto this somehow. So now when I have been blessed with doing what I love, pursuing my dreams and attracting a beautiful love it feels ‘TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE’.  But I am doing it anyway as I know the feeling, this fear, means I am moving towards something good. It means being open and vulnerable, but the gifts this delivers are huge.

When you get to the edge or close to something that may bring you something you so desire your fear will tell you to step back. So to be all of you and reconnect to your true self, you have to be willing to take a step forward to bring forward all that is meant for you.

You are here for a reason! And I would be honoured to be with you on this journey …. Today I am inviting you to take a mini leap to invest in you and I promise you will never look back, I never did and I have manifested all I desired in the past year having support from great coaches, mentors and programmes. Even if I have the moments where I am shaking with disbelief and fear that ‘can I really have this, me?? I mean really… ?’ I kept going. The answer is YES for me and it is YES for you.

If you feel some curiosity and if you feel compelled to check this out, don’t ignore this feeling – it’s your soul calling at you and trying to guide you. Your head (fear) will try to stop you but remember, this is not your truth. A great baby step we can take together is a Free One Hour Coaching Discovery Session. Book it here…

ARE you feeling ready? I know you are ready, more ready then you’ll ever know. Are you are hearing that soul calling? Knowing you have seen this for a reason and that you are ready to leap and fly. Facing those fears and doing it anyway. Then welcome, you are in the right place and you are ready to attend my exclusive full day immersive workshop where we will go on an incredible journey together to reconnect you to your truth and you will leave knowing:


• Your true purpose and understanding your values.
• How to calm your mind when you feel anxious.
• How you can clear fears, guilt, critics and old wounds to live ‘all of you’
• How to be more courageous to set boundaries & make decisions with ease.
• Learn how to take action on your worthiness and your truth to create a life you love.

Creating a life you love from the inside out – A one day immersive workshop to connect with your true self, uncover your true desires and manifest them. You will experience powerful shifts from a sense of disconnection and disempowerment to a new found connection with you and an empowered mindset to manifest the life you truly want in every way.

Much love ladies. Lets blow up the box together, let go of ‘its too good to be true’ and face those fears (lies) together. We can be anything we want to be and the secret is working out what that is!

With love,
Anita xx

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