Hello Beautiful,
I don’t know about you, but people I work with, including myself, are feeling some big shifts happening right now to become more authentic in every way, to live with more purpose and we are also realizing the power of taking care of ourselves and loving ourselves more and more.
We have become aware of this feeling of disconnection from ourselves even when we are surrounded by the things that promised to make us happy – jobs, husbands, children, beautiful homes etc. Somehow we feel like something is missing and then of course we will feel guilty for not appreciating what we have and end up beating ourselves up internally whilst just trying to push through it.
Its starting to become apparent that everything we never questioned is now up for question, as we yearn for far more meaning and purpose in every sense.
From being far more authentic and having far more meaningful relationships, to doing far more meaningful work and having far more meaningful relationships in our life’s.
As we start to desire this connection to the truth and all it brings we are starting to question the status quo. Is getting an education, then working up the career ladder, getting married and having kids before retiring to enjoy it all the only way to go? If this formula was meant to make us happy. What has happened?
In reality we are running around like headless chickens, working hard, trying to please everyone and feeling exhausted a lot of the time. We are missing the time in our lives to be with ourselves and missing the time to have with the people we really care about.
Many of us are in lives where we do not get to be or do everything we truly desire and love each day, its making us live with some level of sadness in our hearts and some discontent. But we fear doing anything outside of this and for some its just become the norm to put up with it and feel we have lost our confidence and zest for life.
Some of us truly believe we have no choice to see this through until retirement when we hit some apparent nirvana like state to enjoy all we have worked for. Its seems a high prize to pay. What if you could feel this joy in you everyday?
And now as much as we are feeling these big shifts and wanting more they are not always comfortable, sometimes quite the opposite. And it’s at these times that perhaps we feel overwhelmed and want to hide away, feeling lonely in some senses and deep inside we long for connection to something more – no matter who and what we are surrounded by.
Why do we feel like this?
Because we are not living our truth fully and that has led us to become disconnected from ourselves, the people in our lives and the work we do. We have limited beliefs about ourselves that keep us stuck not to mention the fear that lives with us.
But this is good news!
As it means you are aware of this and that means you are already one quantum leap ahead of others in your quiet knowing that there is something more and bigger way for you to be and live.
What we are witnessing right now in regards to this feeling of inertia is confusing at times and it is the breaking down old ways of being full of sacrifice, hard work and pushing to a new way of being that is full or purpose, joy, love and ease.
Because that is what we are for!
To live a life of purpose, meaning, joy, love and ease.
I know surprising when there are many of us in this old way of being and trying to find the way out.
All we have to do is remember the truth of who we are, and be willing to let go.
To do this we we need a space go deeper within ourselves to clear out the old ways, pains, conflict and confusion that resides in us, so that we can see our truth, our purpose and how beautiful we are. To bring us to place where we have self respect, love, trust and new sense wholeness.
All of this was already there of course!
Its just remembering the true you and clearing some of the debris to get to your truth and to create a life you love from the inside out.
I believe that it is impossible to take this journey on our own. From personal experience I have realised that when we do things alone and without support we get stuck leading to more awareness of our challenges and pains but no real shifts in who we are and the life’s we are creating.
We are just not meant to do things alone but instead together and with support we can truly THRIVE.
So if you are wanting to say yes to that deeper feeling inside you, you need to say yes to support and to being held and being part of a supportive community. So you can take a breath and know that you are not alone!
There are not many spaces like this in the world where we can show up and be fully open and fully love exactly as we are.
And that is why I have created the brand new, FREE Facebook groupCREATE A LIFE YOU LOVE FROM THE INSIDE OUT. It’s completely free and it’s designed tenderly just for you!
After been asked by my clients many times to bring this community together I decided the time is now to offer you this space to access free training and support for those that are looking for this. It is my honour to bring this space together for you and I am excited to bring such an amazing group of women together, you will see that you are in good company.
Join CREATE A LIFE YOU LOVE FROM THE INSIDE OUT by clicking here. right now, we are just getting it started, It’s your life and it is time to start living it by design rather than by default.
Once you are on: tell a friend. It could be just the thing that changes the direction of her life for the year ahead. Pass on this gift. To do this go to ‘more’ and ‘add members’.
I will be releasing a FREE 10 day Awaken to you truth challenge on the group soon.
Look out for this gem! It will be a great start as we go into the new year…
You are all simply magnificent, it is time to start living that way! Looking forward to having you as part of this group to discover more of your magnificence from within!
Wishing you a wonderful and fun filled 2018.
Much love,
PS If you would like more I would love to offer you a Free One Hour Discovery Coaching Session you can book here.